Find your superpower

Step by step online course and workbook

Are you working in your zone of genius?

There are moments in all of our lives when we feel as if we are doing exactly what we were born to do. We feel light, energised, positive and totally on point. Basically we feel like we are nailing life. This is when you are working using your superpower.

Unfortunately, when we are growing up, the school system works against people finding their superpowers. They have created a one size fits all and we know superpowers don’t work that way. The other problem we have is what happens when we don’t know our superpower. We get fired from jobs, or don’t get jobs in the first place, our cv looks like a teenager doing work experience (but for 10 years). We start thinking that there is no chance that we are destined for any type of greatness and its very unlikely that we have superpower!!!

Worse still, who are we to even think we have a superpower?!?!

Look, I know it sucks but here is the good news…..You 100% have a superpower and there is a way to discover it!!!!!

In this mini-course, we are going to go through the 5 steps required to find your superpower.

In this online mini course:

✨ Your experience = Your authority = Your superpower

✨ Find your human design type so you are always working in flow

✨ Get clear on your goals

✨ Create your ideal day