Perfectionism is procrastination

I was speaking to a coaching client recently and they were telling me about how they never seem to get anywhere with their tasks. Everything seems to take longer than they expect and then other tasks slip to the bottom of the list and the to-do list keeps getting bigger and bigger and they never really achieve anything.

Does this sound familiar to you? Your brain is a swirling to-do list that even the smallest tasks become complicated and overwhelming? This sense of overwhelm is one that feeds into the perfectionism procrastination cycle.

I know for many people delivering anything less than 100% perfect literally has them breaking out into a cold sweat. Next minute, they are out at coffee with their business bestie talking about their endless to-do list and the cycle begins again.

So if you want to break the perfectionist/procrastination habit, follow these steps:

1) Live the low bar lifestyle

The key to achieving almost anything in life, including business greatness, is to start with something achievable so that you get to feel success.

What quick win can you approach first so that you stay motivated to finish your to-do list?

Note: It isn't launching an entire product range by the weekend.

2) Bite sized tasks

To break the perfectionist habit you need to stop the all or nothing mentality. Breaking down each task into smaller pieces not only makes it manageable but it also helps you feel accomplished (See above)

3) Start time tracking

Apps like Harvest make this super easy to identify where you are spending most of your time and whether you can cut down the time spent on certain projects

4) Find your business besties

Business Besties can be a great sounding board especially when you are stuck in negative cycles. Get them to check over your work or hold you accountable for deadlines. Tell them if you don't post 15 posts a month you will treat them to lunch...whatever it takes to stop the procrastination

5) Say no

You can't do every single thing that comes your way, this is impossible and a guaranteed way to set yourself up for failure. Make sure you are only saying yes to things that bring you job and business success, catching up for a coffee with the Facebook friend that you haven’t spoken to for 5 years is probably a no.

Let me know your tips to beat perfectionism.

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